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About Us

Hi and Welcome!

You might be wondering who we are and how we came about certifying hood cleaning technicians.  Well, we have been running a successful hood cleaning business in the Southeast since 1997. And since 2005 we have been training others around the country (and beyond) to clean hoods and run their own successful hood cleaning business. So...yeah we consider ourselves experts and truly are here to help you succeed. 

HTI’s hood cleaning school teaches you the many details of hood cleaning and how to operate a hood cleaning business.  Our students come to be certified in accordance with NFPA 96 and most of our students leave saying they were surprised how much they leaned from the business portion of our classes.  There is more to running a successful hood cleaning business than just know how to clean hoods! We teach you how to make this an easy-to-operate-at-any-budget business, how to take it to the next level, and how to be successful. But most of all, we teach you all of our mistakes along the way, so come learn with us! 

With Appreciation,

The HTI Team


50% Complete

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